Happy February Everyone!
Welcome to the CJOS February 2024 monthly blog post! We are now in the heart of orchid show season. The NJOS was a great success back in January, and we still have DCOS (February) and SEPOS (April) coming up!
Many orchids begin to bloom š¼ now, as they have had a slight cooldown from summer and have most likely been through a slightly drier winter rest. With the longer daylight āļø per day slowly increasing, you should start to notice new growth š± on some plants exposed to outdoor light (near windows, in bright rooms with windows, etc...). Don't go too crazy with the watering š¦ and fertilizing just yet, as the plants are still coming into full Spring/Summer growth. Observe plants for any hidden pests and treat them appropriately.š·Spring is close!
We hope to continue to grow CJOS as a fun and knowledgeable orchid society; We welcome all to join us monthly! Happy orchid growing and gardening!

*DCOS Show (Deep Cut Orchid Society)
Date: February 16th - 18th, 2024
Time: Fri. & Sat. 9am - 6pm, Sun. 9am - 4pm
Location: Dearborn Market - 2170 NJ-35, Holmdel, NJ 07733 | (Phone) 732-264-0256
Cost: Free Entry (Plants for Sale)
*Friendly Reminders:
Upcoming Event (February 15, 2024): (Speaker) Sergey Skoropad - 'TBD'
If you are bringing a plant for the display table, you may now prepare and print your Plant ID tag via this 'Plant ID Cards Link'.
*Please take note there are a few new changes this year. For starters, our new meeting venue will be Trinity Church (33 Mercer St., Princeton, NJ 08540ā, (USA)). The meeting time has also changed from 6:30pm to 7pm. All are welcome to attend a meeting; especially if it is your first time and introduction to CJOS. Grab a member and ask lots of questions about what CJOS is and how to join!